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Loki and Jörmungandr

A famous jötunn and trickster from the Scandinavian lore with his child Jörmungandr are my favourite chthonic deities with an attitude! I painted them using watercolour, gouache, and pencils on cotton paper.


I am keen to shed light on different pagan deities and mythologies because I have always been fascinated with different mythologies, mythical creatures, and nature. Here I tell the story of Cerridwen (pronounced Ker-RID-Wen), the dark Welsh goddess of prophecy that brews a potion in her otherworldly cauldron of inspiration. The creative powers of the goddess and her main symbol, the cauldron, are associated with dark feminine forces, wisdom, rebirth, and the overall transformational potential of the womb ( which is similar to a cauldron).

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